Tuesday, January 5, 2010

new years goals.

I like to do goals more than resolutions for the New Year and this year is not exception. My original plan was to do a comparison of this years goals with last years and see what I had actually accomplished. However, I realized that I never made a hard copy of sorts of these goals and only posted them on my blog. Well I got rid of that blog earlier this year along with all of the post I did...sooo I can't really remember all my goals, but here are a few I do remember.

Dread my hair: Not accomplished (decided not the best way to get a job at the time.)
Visit Heidi in LA: Not accomplished (saw her over 4th of July, but couldn't get the $ to go to LA.)
Participate in art shows/fairs : ACCOMPLISHED! (I did about 6-7 shows this year!)
Exercise More: Half Accomplished (started strong, finished weak)

Scrapbook More!!1 I used to do this all the time and I MISS IT!
Continue my goal of becoming a locavore. Check out my other blog: Mozzarella in the Making.

Read More (if that's possible) and finish my authors A-Z mini book.

Get fit using Wii fit. It is super fun!

Register for Child Development classes at WCC.

Pick up my phone. I never do this.

Improve my blogging habits which means creating a routine and different segments and categories.

1 comment:

  1. Jon and I sat down this past weekend and wrote down all of our goals. It felt nice. Plus, I wrote mine down last year and I got to check off all of the ones I completed!
